Dec. 30, 2001 - I read the three main Lord of the Ring books!
Dec. 26, 2001 - I just want to lie around at home.
Dec. 25, 2001 - Next up: New Year's party at Air Yoshi's
Dec. 23, 2001 - Gnaw gnaw gnaw
Dec. 22, 2001 - Get away from me, you cat!
Dec. 21, 2001 - Just cuz you don't often see Chinese girls in trucks.
Dec. 17, 2001 - I guess I shouldn't've called at 2am.
Dec. 15, 2001 - Vroom vroooooooom
Dec. 13, 2001 - The steak wasn't bad.
Dec. 12, 2001 - Tanzy at Three in the Moooornninnngg
Dec. 10, 2001 - Too many exams makes Tanzy grumpy
Dec. 09, 2001 - Must....concentrate....
Dec. 07, 2001 - I should be studying econ instead of watching Pokemon cartoons
Dec. 05, 2001 - Chain rule? What the heck is that?
Dec. 03, 2001 - AND I can gamble too! Las Vegas here I come!
Nov. 30, 2001 - [and sleeping!]
Nov. 27, 2001 - Puff puff puff puffed up ego!
Nov. 25, 2001 - I've always wanted to be a red head.
Nov. 22, 2001 - Yet another toilet-related blurb.
Nov. 21, 2001 - I got a tin of peppermints today - does that make me old?
Nov. 20, 2001 - Two more interviews to go...
Nov. 18, 2001 - This is how I pack.
Nov. 12, 2001 - Time to watch Ally McBeal!
Nov. 10, 2001 - So that's what you look like? You have got to be kidding!!
Nov. 07, 2001 - Sci Formal - The Event
Nov. 06, 2001 - Sci Formal - The Preparations
Nov. 02, 2001 - A glimpse into my email habits...
Nov. 02, 2001 - Trying to resist the urge to whine and complain.
Oct. 29, 2001 - Where's that old diary of mine...
Oct. 28, 2001 - Go take a look at my creation!
Oct. 27, 2001 - Bust A Move!
Oct. 25, 2001 - I said MAYBE, not definitely.
Oct. 24, 2001 - I need a fix!
Oct. 22, 2001 - Don't even ASK how much I spent on the clothes.
Oct. 20, 2001 - non-capital-using practical side takes over!
Oct. 18, 2001 - You might find this a bit mushy.
Oct. 16, 2001 - The one where I further torture Nasus.
Oct. 13, 2001 - gottadohomework notimetoelaborate!
Oct. 13, 2001 - Oops, no turkey yet.
Oct. 10, 2001 - It's all about eating.
Oct. 09, 2001 - We won the staring contest!
Oct. 05, 2001 - A rainy day in the neighborhood.
Oct. 02, 2001 - People Watching Hobby
Sept. 28, 2001 - Voicemail. The Bane of my Existence.
Sept. 27, 2001 - A rather odd entry about smithereens and smitings
Sept. 25, 2001 - Guest Diarylander #2: Did someone say CHOCOLATE?!
Sept. 24, 2001 - Guest Diarylander #1: Take THAT York!
Sept. 21, 2001 - I am Master Cheferina!
Sept. 18, 2001 - teehee! She said poo!
Sept. 16, 2001 - Lost - funny thoughts regarding babysitting
Sept. 14, 2001 - The Ideal Guy For Friend
Sept. 13, 2001 - You should know 12 x 13 by heart!
Sept. 11, 2001 - USA
Sept. 10, 2001 - You no likee? Phth.
Sept. 09, 2001 - Ugh.
Sept. 07, 2001 - I don't know...
Sept. 07, 2001 - Quick blurb before I go to the grocery store
Sept. 03, 2001 - This entry ends on a lame note.
Sept. 01, 2001 - Eye brow, you brow, we all brow!
Aug. 31, 2001 - eeeyikes!
Aug. 30, 2001 - My Office Supply Will
Aug. 29, 2001 - Let's get naked and sacrifice a goat!
Aug. 28, 2001 - My mom also knows how to make pig lung soup.
Aug. 27, 2001 - Dog Days
Aug. 26, 2001 - I. Sophisticated Woman.
Aug. 24, 2001 - If you think your mother is strange...
2001-08-23 - Beeeyotch
2001-08-23 - I am exclusively squidgy!
2001-08-22 - Mmm...cheesy goodness...
2001-08-21 - Crazy old dingbat
2001-08-21 - Oh so these are the weirdos you keep talking about!
2001-08-20 - The Most Boringest Entry Ever.
2001-08-19 - I taste better than a Peanabelly Samwich�
2001-08-17 - I'm going to the beach tomorrow. To heck with work!
2001-08-16 - We Eleven.....
2001-08-15 - Ranklings
2001-08-14 - He lets his dog pee on your lawn
2001-08-13 - The Making of a Dress - Round #4 and a Happy Ending to The Great Shoe Hunt
2001-08-12 - Rude People Suck. They Should All Be Shot.
2001-08-10 - Shall we bake some pie?
2001-08-09 - Hot damn hot damn
2001-08-08 - Camping Part 2
2001-08-07 - Camping Part 1
2001-08-03 - Back on Tuesday
2001-08-02 - The Making of a Dress - Round #3
2001-08-01 - Tennis Again
2001-07-31 - Isn't it time for my next bathroom break?
2001-07-30 - The Making of a Dress - Round #2
2001-07-30 - I C U
2001-07-27 - White T-shirt Day
2001-07-26 - Pannenkoeks are good for you. Honest.
2001-07-25 - So, when would you like me to cook supper for you?
2001-07-24 - I will not be featured on Iron Chef anytime soon.
2001-07-23 - His skin is SO thick it takes a YEAR to penetrate it.
2001-07-20 - Do you have a toilet fetish?
2001-07-18 - The Great Shoe Hunt
2001-07-17 - Dishwasherobia
2001-07-16 - Natter natter natter
2001-07-13 - Tie Eurd!
2001-07-11 - This is CowTown
2001-07-10 - Me. TV Star.
2001-07-09 - Talk About Potato Heads
2001-07-07 - Attention Kiwi
2001-07-07 - The Making of a Dress - Round #1
2001-07-06 - Excuse me while I crawl under my desk to nap.
2001-07-05 - Dedicated to My Serious-er Side
2001-07-04 - I, Muggle, do hereby declare.
2001-07-03 - I have been consumed by Irritability
2001-07-01 - Not one single surfer dude to be seen.
2001-06-29 - It goes straight to my hips.
2001-06-28 - Suuupermaan! Dah dah dah DAT dah dah!!!
2001-06-27 - Aren't you glad I didn't invent flush toilets?
2001-06-26 - What, you expected me to hit that? Hah!
2001-06-25 - Fare Thee Well Orchid Plant
2001-06-25 - Layout Attempt #2
2001-06-24 - Princesses wear khakis too.
2001-06-22 - Alu, Squib and Daysuit
2001-06-21 - Doesn't everyone wear paper underwear?
2001-06-20 - Frog tastes just like chicken
2001-06-20 - I keep eating chocolate-covered peanuts!
2001-06-19 - My Garden
2001-06-19 - Sombre Day
2001-06-18 - Wascally Wabbits
2001-06-17 - Toilet Woes
2001-06-17 - I prefer my steak to be medium rare....and liquefied.
2001-06-16 - None of that KD stuff for me!
2001-06-15 - Buttery Comics
2001-06-14 - My inner shoe child
2001-06-13 - Layout Attempt #1
2001-06-12 - Disconnected
2001-06-11 - Feline Tendencies
2001-06-08 - I Love Dilbert
2001-06-08 - Hooray!
2001-06-07 - Just a bit of rambling
2001-05-18 - It's a conspiracy
2001-05-17 - Get ready, get set, GO!

2005       2004       2003       2002       2001
